HeidiSQL is a free and powerful client for MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite. HeidiSQL是MariaDB,MySQL,Microsoft SQL Server,PostgreSQL和SQLite的免费强大的客户端
This will test your browser and connection for IPv6 readiness, as well as show you your current IPv4 and IPv6 address. 将检测您的浏览器和连接的IPv6准备情况,并向您显示您当前的IPv4和IPv6地址。
Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes...
草根共识(我们的宗旨)   有史以来,人类面临一个根本的困惑:过于精神化,乌托邦式的运动阻碍物质文明的发展,导致社会衰落;过于世俗化,功利主义泛滥、弱肉强食,造成社会动荡。我们必须整合看待自然的方式,领会人格世界的自然观、社会观和 价值观。   当前,我们处在信息化、全球化的新时代。信息化加快了观念的传播,全球化加剧了社会的两极分化,两种力量相互叠加,将带来巨大冲击。只有在认同民族国家的前提下挖掘其普遍价值,才能在这场大变革中成为最终的赢家,这 也就是“和谐社会”建设的根本内涵。   草根智库旨在秉承中国五千年的文化传统,坚持“推己及人”的儒家思想;“天之道,损有余而补不足”的道家理念;“关怀众生、追求智慧”的佛家精神;倡导“实践出真知”的墨家哲学。   草根智库以“建设性、中和性、开放性、服务性”为原则,汇聚同道中人,为中国的经济、社会发展建言献策。建设性,我们将致力于有关政策的完善而非简单否定;中和性,我们将致力于社会分歧的弥合而非扩大;开放性,我们...
Akeeba has produced software for Joomla, WordPress, and the occasional stand-alone PHP application since 2006. We believe in crafting quality software, with a special focus on security and an eye towards the future. We are a developer-run company...
NTFS Permissions Tools is a file permissions management tool for NTFS file system....
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