ByeByeGenerator 外挂会移除网页原始码中「<meta name="generator" content="Joomla! - Open Source Content Management" />」讯息以及 RSS 订阅、robots.txt 等服务 / 档案中网站建立者的描述。
JCS - Joomla! Checksum Scanner - File Scanner - Matching of all files with the help of snapshots and archives - Monitoring security extension - Component for Joomla! 3.x JCS - Joomla!校验和扫描仪 - 文件扫描程序 - 在快照和档案的帮助下匹配所有文件 - 监控joomla的安全扩展 - 组件!3.x.
Easybook Reloaded - Easybook Reloaded is a guestbook component for Joomla! with many useful features. - Type: Component - License: GPLv3 Easybook Reloaded - Easybook Reloaded是Joomla的留言簿组件!具有许多有用的功能。—License: GPLv3
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