Cyotek Sitemap Creator is a free application that will help you build maps of websites quickly and easily. Use Sitemap Creator to analyze your website, create Google, ASP.NET and HTML sitemaps, detect missing pages, list pages and links on your website...
Cyotek Slicr is a free application that takes a source image and slices up into smaller ones. Using Slicr, you can take a given image and extract portions of that image to separate files with varying formats, file names and meta data. Use the quick slice...
Cyotek Palette Editor allows you to create and work with colour palettes, in a variety of formats such as JASC, GIMP and Adobe Photoshop. Palettes can be created from scratch, imported from other palettes or created from images. Easy editing is provided...
Cyotek Gif Animator是一个易于使用的Gif动画创作者。使用Cyotek Gif Animator,您可以从一系列静止图像快速制作动画,修改现有的动画,提取帧,与调色板工作,执行批处理操作来创建和维护动画等。
十九届中央第七轮巡视整改进展情况全部公布 ---4月17日,山东大学、大连理工大学、兰州大学等11个单位向社会公布了巡视整改进展情况。至此,十九届中央第七轮巡视的32个单位党组织的整改情况已公布完毕。
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