Attachments, by Jonathan Cameron - Joomla Extension Directory


Downloads, File Management

The 'Attachments' extension for Joomla! allows files to be uploaded and attached to articles and other types of content. URLs can also be attached. 'Attachments' includes the ability to attach files and edit attachments from the front end as well as from the administrative back end. There are options to control who can see the attachments and who can upload them, along with many other options to increase its flexibility and usefulness. There are versions for Joomla 3, 4, and 5.

Attachments gives you several ways to add, edit, and delete your attachments on the front end, back end, and in article editors on the front and back ends (including during article creation). There are many options to control who can see attachments. When you add or edit attachments, page updates are done quickly without full page reloads.

If you plan to use this extension for sensitive files, use the 'Secure' mode. This provides secure storage of attachment files and prevents access by anyone without logging in.

INSTALLATION IS SIMPLE: Use the Joomla installer with the single installation zip file (available here or on github, see below). The component and all plugins are installed in a single step. Attachments uses the Joomla "upgrade" capability and can be installed over previous versions of Attachments.

WARNING: To uninstall Attachments go to the extension manager and search for: "Package: Attachments for Joomla". Uninstall it and it will uninstall the Attachments component and all Attachments plugins.

Versions of Attachments for Joomla 4 and 5 are available at:
- Attachments 3.2.6 for Joomla 3.8.6 is also available for https://github.com/jmcameron/attachments/releases/tag/v3.2.6

Many thanks to Jean-Luc (https://github.com/JLTRY) and Theofilos (https://github.com/parapente) for their work updating Attachments to support Joomla 4 and 5!

The Attachments extension source code and translations can be found at:
- Source code: /https://github.com/jmcameron/attachments
- Translations: /https://github.com/jmcameron/attachments_translations

I use various types of attachments to download documents in pdf, doc, xls and other formats.

Ease of use
I use my site in Joomla 3.9.25 for various types of attachments for downloading documents in pdf, doc, xls and other formats.
On-site support only. It is a pity that there is no version of the component for Joomla 4 yet at the moment.
The component is quite easy to use. Extensive documentation is not needed.
I used this to: I use various types of attachments to download documents in pdf, doc, xls and other formats.
It works really good even if it should need something to search attachments using their names and not only the ID in the URL.
Ease of use
Really easy to use since u don't need to manage some article direct link. It doesn't work for me if the profile level feature is enabled
I never used the support before. I'd like to say that there is still a short tag inside 2 default dot php file , upload and update
Really useful and complete
I used this to: My association site
First installed in 2008 for our school website. Still by far one of the most important plug-ins we've needed.
Ease of use
Operationally - perfect for our authors needs. However, the way Attachements calls Mootools-More has caused an ADA compliance issue.
I used this to: Use to use Mootools Enabler/Disabler to resolve single ADA empty link issue, but this now caused script issues (slideshow would not appear) with recent Smart Slider 3 addition. Moved to Disable Mootools by ExtensionBase... and both issues now resolved.
Click n go. Perfect functionality, but needs some modernization in its looks. Can be done with your CSS as I did.
Ease of use
Really easy, with only a little sass if you need some complicated settings. But for users who want just upload n go, this is what you need!
I used this to: Two websites for uploading documents.

Utilizzo categorie

Posted on 26 September 2017
permettere a degli utenti registrati di allegare file a degli articoli
Ease of use
in qualche pagina duplica l'elenco degli allegati, se unu utente accede l'icona allega file compare in tutte le pagine
capire come risolvere il problema
I used this to: lavoro

Super plugin

Posted on 19 June 2017
Super Nice good
Ease of use
Super Nice good
I used this to: Please think about the integration with any captcha plugin or do captcha for this
When working GOOD
If you upgrade to Joomla 3.7.0 this plugin will throw up a menu error. hope a quick fix is done soon
Ease of use
When working Good
Not sure first time had an error
The error report https://issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/15545

Amazing Extenstion

Posted on 14 March 2017
Just works perfectly each time
Ease of use
Very easy to use

All ingenious is simple

Posted on 01 December 2016
More than i could wait from this
Ease of use
Just install and use
Did not find any documentation
I used this to: Joomla 3.6.4
Owner's reply: To find the documentation, go to the Attachments manager in the back end and click on the "Help" button on the right end of the toolbar.

Easy to use

Posted on 25 August 2016
This really ease the housekeeping of files While it may not fit in some use case, Attaching to the page is a simple and clear organization.
Ease of use
I find that casual editors do not find it too hard, also the ergonomics could be rethink for them. For visitors it's really easy.
I used this to: An extranet with educational material for young people around the world in different languages.
Attachments for JEvents

Attachments for JEvents

By Jonathan Cameron
Attachments plugin for JEvents (for Joomla) This plugin has NOT been updated for Joomla 4 or 5. This plugin allows users to add attachments to JEvents items in Joomla. This version works with Joomla versions 2.5.28 and 3.3+ however it requires Attachments 3.2.2 or later. You may obtain the Attachments extension at http://jmcameron.net/attachments The Attachments for JEvents relies on two plug...


Jonathan Cameron
Last updated:
Nov 12 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Sep 24 2007
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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